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Stage Video Monitors

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Hi , for a show in the Midlands I am organising tech for, the singers have asked for some Video monitors along the front of the stage showing the lyrics which will be displayed on the screens behind them.


I was wondering if there were any specialist Video Monitors for this job, maybe in a wedge shaped case???


I'm thinking about 3 would do the job? Stage Left/Centre/Right


I will be looking to hire for around 12days.


Hope someone can help :blink:


John Partridge

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Not wedges exactly, but for displaying lyrics I'd have a look at the range of toys on offer from Portprompt, particularly in their "Conference" section. Some of their desk stand range might do what you want, or you might be inspired to go a different route when you see the things they have. Portaprompt: http://www.portaprompt.co.uk/



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Why not three tft screens and a distribution amp? I made shrouds out of a carbord box cut in half diagonally and then covered in some old stage black.
Perfect solution. We do this all the time for 'vanity monitors' at corporate events.


Kramer 4-output DAs are pretty cheap, extremely small, and are almost bombproof.

Extron 4-output DAs are much bigger, and a bit more expensive but can handle longer cable runs and are probably a little more rugged.

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A professional singer friend of mine acquired a coupla monitor wedges from our sound tech, she gutted the dead one and had a small tv put into it to connect to her karoke machine thingy. Means she can have an extra wedge, that to the audience looks like a monitor, when in fact it is a ... monitor (that sounded better in my head)

Might be an idea.


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  • 3 years later...
Hi , for a show in the Midlands I am organising tech for, the singers have asked for some Video monitors along the front of the stage showing the lyrics which will be displayed on the screens behind them.


I was wondering if there were any specialist Video Monitors for this job, maybe in a wedge shaped case???


I'm thinking about 3 would do the job? Stage Left/Centre/Right


I will be looking to hire for around 12days.


Hope someone can help :)


John Partridge


Long time ago John I know but there is now a product that exactly fits what you needed back then so if you ever need the same for future it's worth having a look at these www.stageview.co.uk



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  • 1 month later...



Just a little note to this. We did this with few LCD's and found a delay, between the live action and the monitor. As the monitor was showing a conductor, this wasn't so good for the singers.


We were using a 1 chip digital camera. We had an old VHS camera kicking around, and so we tried this. And instanty fixed the delay problem. Not sure what the cause was but the old good for nothing camera was great.



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Just a little note to this. We did this with few LCD's and found a delay, between the live action and the monitor. As the monitor was showing a conductor, this wasn't so good for the singers.


We were using a 1 chip digital camera. We had an old VHS camera kicking around, and so we tried this. And instanty fixed the delay problem. Not sure what the cause was but the old good for nothing camera was great.




Most likely this was digital latency - screens that show MD are often requested to be CRT rather than LCD for this very reason

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