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Phantom in Vegas


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Hi guys...


I was recently surprised to see that Martin Levan was not retained for the LV production of 'The Phantom of The Opera' (now renamed 'Phantom- The Vegas Spectacular')- the Sound Designer is now Mick Potter. However, thats not surprising, as Mick designed both productions of 'The Woman in White', has just done 'Evita' (currently in previews) and is also designing the RUG revival of 'The Sound of Music' in London. Mick Potter seems to be ALW's sound designer of choice- not surprising considering his excellent work and Olivier Award for 'The Woman in White'.


I was wondering if anyone had any info about the design of the show from a sound perspective. Im assuming its a PM1D out front (as per 'Bombay Dreams'- another Mick Potter show, and 'The Woman in White')......but if thats incorrect and anyone has any more info then I'd be fascinated to hear it!






Edit: This is by no means a criticism or insult of/to Martin Levan. I think his work is brilliant- particulrly the original productions of phantom (especially the loudspeaker 'hiding'). I was just curious, hence this post.

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