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ola folks,


maybe a daft question I know; however I use the board so rarely now I forget. what does it mean when fixtures have been grabbed and they turn blue when at full. it is just that I repatched the board and one bar of studio colours came up in blue. it was not me operating but I am now curious.


thanks jondela

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depends what shade of blue

the different shades mean different things

normally a blue channel means it hasn't moved intensity

a purple channel means it has gone up in level and a green channel means it has gone down

there are others too


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what does it mean when fixtures have been grabbed and they turn blue when at full.


Found a few things for you.


Levels Screen Colours


Channel levels in the Levels Screen have different colours depending on the cue type and the level itself.



green The intensity level is lower than the previous cue.

magenta The intensity level is higher than the previouscue.

blue The attribute level is changed from the previous cue.

white The intensity level is fixed. (Tracking On). The intensity or attribute level is fixed. (Tracking Off).

cyan The intensity or attribute level is the same as the previous cue. (Tracking On)

grey The intensity or attribute level is the same as the previous cue. (Tracking Off)

white on grey The attribute level is fixed. (Tracking Off)


Screen Background--Screen Foreground--Attribute Controller



Grey------------------White-----------------Rotary 1 (White)

Grey------------------Blue------------------Rotary 2 (Blue)

Grey------------------Red------------------ Rotary 3 (Red)

Grey------------------Magenta------------- Rotary 4 (Magenta)

Dark Grey------------Grey----------------- Not currently under rotary control,

------------------------------------------------but in current section


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