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Strand 530i release key :(


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Im working at my local theatre, both myself and one of my managers are used to ECT's. We have a 530i and, what a surprise, there very similar which is great.

One thing I dont like about the strand is there isnt a release key, my manager and I, cant work out how to create a software to release?


Anyone got any ideas?

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There's no real direct equivalent to "Release" - unlike ETC desks, when anything happens on a Strand that needs to 'steal' control of a channel from the channel controller (e.g. a fade being run on a playback), it does so unless you've specifically told it not to (by putting the channel on "Hold"). The closest function that I can think of is Shift-Clear, which renders all channels which have been grabbed by the channel controller inactive.
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I've never seen the point of the release key on ETC desks - it's always struck me as more of a pain than anything. But if you're thinking of it in terms of the ability to undo your last change, then the Strand {UNDO}{@} sequence is what you're after. I usually program this as a macro onto the 'user' key so that it's easily accessible during plotting.
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One thing I dont like about the strand is there isnt a release key, my manager and I, cant work out how to create a software to release?


Anyone got any ideas?


You can come close with combinations of undo's or shift clear programed to the user key but the "release" function has two parts. First tap, releases most current captured channel or channels. Second tap, releases all captured channels. I could not figure out how to do a layered or two part release.


John G

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