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_Heavy_ truss base plates, hire, near London

Tom Baldwin

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The ****-up fairy has blessed me richly, so I'm desperately looking for some truss baseplates to hire, from Thursday of this week (1st June).


Hawthorn Theatrical have 1200mm x 1200mm base plates, weighing 120kg, to allow free standing truss towers to be created.


I could go to Hawthorn for them, but the gig's near Reading, so transport would be a pain. Before I bite the bullet and hire from them (with delivery), does anybody know a more local supplier? The plates really do need to be that heavy to ensure adequate stability, and I can't seen any other method of achieving what I want.


Thank you!



(in a state of panic)

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Which truss does it need to fit?

Whichever truss the company hiring it to me has! I'll be hiring the truss as well as the base plates.


I'm not fussy; the load isn't massive - if I get if from HTH, it'll be Prolyte X30V, for example.

I'm looking for a square (rather than triangular) truss, and prefer small truss to large, for reduced visible impact, and reduced toppling moment.





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PRG had(have) some minibeam base plates,not sure they way 120kg but they're about the right sort of size and they were awfully heavy.And they've no shortage of stage weights.


Not an add by the way just a memory from carrying four of them!

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they were awfully heavy.

just a memory from carrying four of them!


Excellent Pete, thanks. If they provoke bad memories, they're probably heavy enough <_< . I'll call PRG first thing tomorrow.


In case that doesn't pan out, any other suggestions still gratefully received.





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