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New Industry E-Zine


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You may remember quite some time ago, I asked your opinions about an sound and lighting industry based ezine and asked anyone interested to sign up.


Just remembered about it, and was quite amazed at the amount of people that signed up. There are currently two ezines that will be sent out, Ukslc5 and Ukslc Week Of Images. With the first being the top 5 most interesting stories of the week with regards to sound and lighting. The second one, being exciting and cool images from around the globe with regards to sound and lighting. The images will be small, and linked to the server so that you don't have to spend hours waiting for the email to download.


For those that have not signed up :- http://www.ukslc.org/newsletter/


(Mods - I hope this is ok to publicise this, it is totally free, but if there is a problem, feel free to delete !! <_< )

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