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Coemar Comet


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I have just removed this unit from a Working Mans Club and the unit is not working. Surprise surprise I hear you shout.

So the club now wants the unit working again. But there has been no maintenance on the unit for a number of years.

So what I need is for someone to repair it for me, I have reached the end of my knowledge on this unit, Coemar Uk have declined to work on the unit but there must be some one out there who can and has the knowledge base. I am open to all suggestions, oh coemar themselves are staying very quiet at the moment.


Thanks for help

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Any remote idea what is wrong with it ?? Does it power up ? Does it do test functions ?


Does it spit out any errors, loads of people will offer to fix it no doubt, but before they can they could do with a bit more information, other than its broke !



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Ok the unit powers up and the lamp strikes, the fan on the unit is dead and that I think is where the major of the problems start from. The fan doesn't seem to be part of the striking squence, the lamp can be on with out the fan. they are both wired independantly. The unit will not go into reset and sometimes radommly the mirrors move. There are no error displays, far too advance for a unit like this. Thats about it. When you look at the circuit board it all seems Ok.
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Hi, I just read your post on this Coemar comet issue.


A Point of correction and then possibly help.


You mentioned Coemar Uk, this compamy no longer trades, the company that now sells Coemar in the UK is called Lighting Effects Distribution.


We have only sold coemar products for the past 3-4 years, we do not offer technical support on older products that were discountinued before we statred selling coemar. The reason for this is that we have no technical training or knowledge of Coemar's older products.


If a custoemer has a product that falls into this category ( out of production before 2002) then we can only offer wiring diagrams and spare parts. If the customer is not technically competent to repair the prodcut using these diagrams then we suggest they contact Jason pope @ Intelligent service who offer repair services on all older prodcuts, you can contact them on 01189 735050


Ian kirby

Lighting Effects Distribution

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