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Strand 300/500 macro/sub issue


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Got an issue with macros and subs that I can't get my head round! I can get a macro triggering off a sub fader no problem, but it refuses to trigger off the bump button. I've had a look at the help file, and it tells me that a bump button can only trigger a macro with the same number as itself. So I tried that, setting sub 12's bump button to MACRO and building something into macro 12. Still won't work. The bump button LED is lit, even when I take the macro assignation off the fader, yet nothing works. Also, am I correct in thinking that I can have macro 12 in bump button 12 (assuming I ever get it working!) and something completely independent in sub 12, so that when I push fader 12 up the macro won't trigger? Help! It's doing my head in!


EDIT: found the answer hidden deep in a Strand scroller tutorial. Why doesn't the help file tell me that sub 1 is associated with macro 101, not macro 1? Problem solved <_<


The Strand help files are rubbish. I had a load of grief when I started using a 520 but, thanks to Rob Halliday, I'm getting my head round it now...


Sitting next to him during a programming session showed me just how far I have to go though!


New users beware! Don't be tempted to use the desk's Help file on screen during a show. When you press 'Go' for the next cue nothing happens except the screen changes to tell you you've press the go button, and what it does! Howls of frustration generally follow that one <_<

EDIT: found the answer hidden deep in a Strand scroller tutorial. Why doesn't the help file tell me that sub 1 is associated with macro 101, not macro 1? Problem solved <_<


Yes that's correct the SUB bump buttons are fixed to macros 101 through 124 when Mac is selected for the bump button function.


And just to further confuse you. SHIFT and BUMP on the Sub buttons uses macros 301 through to 324.



...and to answer your original question ( for others who read this) YES you can have something recorded into the fader of a submaster ( a scene or an Effect) and a macro that does something completely different assigned to the bump button, by selecting Mac as the bump button function.





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