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Palettes for Fat frog


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Does the Fat frog palettes allow separate palettes for each attribute? Having learnt the pearl at uni, I'm now left trying to buy a desk, and looking at the frogs instead due to the cost. The main issue is whether separate palettes would be needed for each configuration of gobos, shutters etc. I know that this has been raised before on blue room, but after extensive searching, I cant find what I remember reading.


On the frog forum it suggested that the issue had been resolved with the 10.4 software, but before investing in a new lighting desk (currently using a PC controller) would like to now whether it will do what I want.


By the way, it would be being used to control 24 dimming channels, and then 8 movers + some LEDs.




PS, if someone knows where the original post is, could they link the two.

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Using version 10.x software you can seperate programming of anything (memories, submasters, palettes) down to single parameter level. This enables you to make a palette which alters just the gobo of a fixutre, with another palette to affect the rotation, prism, shutter, etc.


In order to make the user interface as easy as possible, the WHEELGROUP button has now changed function and is used as a 'tag status' button. Held down, you can 'detag' parameters you don't want to be recorded into the memory/sub/palette. Hold down WHEELGROUP and nudge the wheel under the parameter you wish to detag.


Currently HTP (intensity) data is stored for all fixtures in all memories/subs. This means that if you don't want the intensity of the fixtures to be recalled when you raise a sub, you should program with intensity at 0%.



Let me know if you need any further help with any Zero88 Products.




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Currently HTP (intensity) data is stored for all fixtures in all memories/subs. This means that if you don't want the intensity of the fixtures to be recalled when you raise a sub, you should program with intensity at 0%.


One thing I've found is that the fixture intensity is controlled by the Grand Master, but the LTP data for position, colour, beamshape etc. isn't. So it's very easy when programming to pull down the Grand Master before recording your step.


(Obviously this only works if you are just programming movers only...)

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