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How does the fringe work - e.g. tec set up . quick turnaround for each

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'Bribing' in house TDs and SMs with food or drink will often result in them being a bit nicer towards you, maybe overlooking that piece of gear without the PAT sticker, or finding a piece of gear for you :)


I was the exception for the venue rather than the the rule. Generally I pulled a 12-13 hour day, but as the upshot of this I got more money than the rest of the techs

Sadly all too few Fringe venues can either afford or want to pay their technicians by the hour or time worked. :) Those that do often don't provide housing or other perks.

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Sadly all too few Fringe venues can either afford or want to pay their technicians by the hour or time worked. :) Those that do often don't provide housing or other perks.



Sadly all too few people look at it realistically. I placed an advert on here a couple of weeks back for LX staff and only got 4 responses. My venue doesn't provide accomodation but it does offer a proper wage and a working week of less than 48 hours a week. There are a lot of people who will work at the fringe and make little or no money based on the carrot being dangled of "free accomodation". This tends not to actually be free but in leau of a fair wage and realistic hours.

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