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Strand sn100 ?s


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The auditorium I work at has a Strand Genius 500 board with a couple sn103 nodes ect...(its on a network..) Anyway, I found that we had a sn100 node lieing around. I found this particularly interesting becouse I have no other experiece with this node, and what really caught my eye is that it had MIDI also. (No MIDI on the board, not sure why) I have been looking into going into the show control idea using the MIDI. Can anyone maby give me a little explanation on how I could go about doing this? Again, I am new with the MIDI so I might need an explaination on how to program this as well. Thanks alot
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Take a good look at the back of your desk, and you should find Midi in/out/thru sockets. Even the 300's have those. (Perhaps the early 400's didn't - not too sure, though - and maybe the 500 you have is really a 400 with upgraded hardware? It is possible ....)


Regarding programming it, I'd suggest a visit to Strand's website, a download of the manual, and some reading ...

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I know what you mean by the MIDI in the back of the system. Tha fact is is that the case is setup for it, but the hardware itself is not there :) . I have yet to figure this out. Also, Strand's website has no information on the sn100s in there pdf library...am I missing something?
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I know what you mean by the MIDI in the back of the system. Tha fact is is that the case is setup for it, but the hardware itself is not there  :) . I have yet to figure this out. Also, Strand's website has no information on the sn100s in there pdf library...am I missing something?

You need to download the manual/help files for the GeniusPro software (they're in HTML format) and visit the chapter entitled "SN100 and SN102 Network Nodes" (as well as the more general stuff about networking). Lots of juicy info to be had there.


Re. the desk ... are you trying to say that the back panel has space for MIDI connectors, but the connectors themselves are actually missing?! If so, I think someone's been stealing bits of your desk for spare parts! Strand 500-series desks have MIDI capability, full stop. Hell, the manual even lists the connector pin-outs and information on the data format and how to implement MIDI show control.

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