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I'm just after some advice on where to go next. Im 18 and am in the last year of my A levels (English Lit, Geog + History). I've not studied Drama at any level or have any formal qualifications in anything relating to stage work.


I looked at doing stage management at Rose Burford, but don't think I have the experience. I've stage managed one college play and have 2 more coming up in the year, I was also the sound engineer for a year.

My thoughts were to take a year out and get some experience in theatres around the south to help me decide if this career is actually for me.

Also are there any decent courses I could do in that year that you would recommend to help me gain revelent knowledge/expeience?


Any thoughts/advice would be a great help



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Hey Andy,

There's two issues here, if you'd get into drama school, and if you really want a career in Stage Management.


If you're enthusistic about the world of backstage theatre, most drama schools would probably take you without too much experience. Obviously this varies from course to course, but as long as you know the basics, and want to learn more, this is all that is needed. In my experience, someone who knows very little but has the desire to learn more does much better during their degree than someone who knows a lot and thinks they know everything!


However, if you're not entirely sure that this career is for you, then take a year out and get more experience. This isn't the kind of job you can do without loving it, so you have to be sure it's for you.


And one last piece of advice, I'd suggest you look at a range of drama schools. Different courses suit different people, and it's always good to compare!


Hope that helped!



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Take a look at the courses offered by Loughborough College - they are currently in the process of establishing BTEC qualifications in technical theatre, some of which happen at the PLASA show - Loughborough and PLASA


You may also find it useful to read through the FAQ on Technical Theatre training, which lists all the main higher education courses for the industry.

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  • 3 weeks later...
most drama schools would probably take you without too much experience.

I have to disagree. Whilst obviously drama can't expect a great deal from an 18-year old but Bruford for instance and most of the other well-known schools have limited places and high-standards.


If you don't get in to drama school, or college or whatever. Then take a year a volunteer at your local theatres, its fun and will teach you more useful stuff in a year than a drama school will in 3.


Not to knock education, I myself trained at a college, but knowing the little things before you get there will make a star student. I did loads of stuff before training and it gave an incredible advantage in the understanding og theatre.


Good Luck


Owen J


PS. Bruford turned me down in 2001! I'm not bitter

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Incidentally, my experience of Bretton Hall Performance Design and Production students is not good.

I've done a show with people who are currently training there and they had very little clue regarding safety, and no idea how to work to a budget.

More importantly, they refused to change working practice when asked. I suppose I should have closed them down but I was too stunned to think straight.


Hopefully these people are not indicative of the course in general, and hopefully they have learned since then.

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