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Behringer BCF2000 & Adobe Audition 2.0

Ben Langfeld

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Before I go and specify a BCF2000 for use with Audition 2.0, can anyone confirm the two are compatable? The only controller listed in preferences in Audition is the Mackie one, but surely this isn't the only surface that can be used. The Behringer site mentions Ableton, Reason, etc but not Audition.




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I'm afraid I don't know for sure about either Audition 2 or Behringer, but 1.5 works with two of Tascam's interfaces. I can't understand why they only list Makie.


Just re-read the question; have you got or had a Makie installed? If so, it is simply that the software has registered it and it is being offered to you as an option.

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Just re-read the question; have you got or had a Makie installed? If so, it is simply that the software has registered it and it is being offered to you as an option.


I havn't, no. 'Tis a fresh install of Audition.

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Yes, the Behringer control surface and AA2.0 work well together. There are quite a few people working that way and lots of discussion on this on both the Adobe User to User forum and the Audiomasters Forum (an independent Audition support forum).


Two links for you:





You'll have to register to post on either, but there's lots of useful relevant info for you on these.


Edit to include: Mention of Mackie is to do with control surface protocols. Audition accepts Mackie protocol and the Behringer has a Mackie protocol emulation mode.


Pay particular attention to a guy named Ozpeter on the Adobe forum...he's the main mod over there...and uses exactly the setup you ask about.



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Pay particular attention to a guy named Ozpeter on the Adobe forum...he's the main mod over there...and uses exactly the setup you ask about.
Isn't he the guy who wrote/ran Cool Edit? Certainly remember him posting on the CE forum.
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Oz was certainly a regular on the CE forum, but AFAIK he never worked for Syntrillium. He's an ex-pat Brit, now living in Australia, who makes his living recording classical music. When Adobe bought Cool Edit, he was offered the role of moderator on the Adobe user to user forum, but he still also posts on the Audiomasters group (which was formed by lots of names you'll know from the CE days when they didn't like the structure and format of the Adobe forum.


Almost everybody from Syntrillium who worked on CE is still involved at Adobe now though.



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I'm rather annoyed that I didn't know that audition can be controlled by the Behringer - as I have both! I'll give it a shot at some stage, although I have to admit I've not got the behringer to talk properly to sx3 properly yet either.
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Since there seem to be several interested, I've copied this set of instructions on how to set your Behringer BCF2000 to boot in Mackie mode for use with Audition:


It's as simple as setting the BCF2000 into the Mackie Control mode by holding the 4th button on the top row in while booting, and then hitting Exit after it boots. It will read "NCSo" in the LCD screen, which more than likely means "Mackie Contol Surface". Then, start Audition and set your controller to the Mackie Control under the Device Properties / Ext. Controller. It must be in USB mode to work...I think. Select the USB device under the Configure / MIDI Input/Output Device menus (it should be called "USB Audio Device"). You may have to restart Audition for changes to take effect, but for me they instantly snap into position.


In the future, make sure your BCF2000 is turned on prior to starting Audition. When you do, the BCF2000 will snap its sliders into place!


To restore the BCF2000 to its default preset (so it can be used, for instance, with Reason 3.0) just hold in the first top button during boot (you may have to press Exit aftwerwards).


The BCF2000 and Audition is a match made in heaven. For less than $200 USD, I've got a great hardware control surface for Audition. Why blow $1000 USD on a Mackie?


Hope this helps.



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