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Fog Machines And Haze Machines, How Do They Work?


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Some expanations for you:


Fog Machine

A fog machine has three main components, a fluid tank, a fluid pump and a heat exchanger. Once the heat exchanger has reached a temperature of around 400?F, the fluid pump pulls fluid from the tank and

squirts it into the heat exchanger. The water in the fog fluid "flashes" into steam and rapidly expands, filling the heat exchanger and escaping from a small nozzle on the front of the unit. When the vapor hits the relatively cooler air outside of the fogger, it forms a thick, opaque cloud of "fog."




As far as I know, the basic principle is the same but without any pressurized bits: The haze fluid (different to fog) is pulled in to the heat exchanger, where the fluid is 'cracked'. Fans then blow the cracked haze out the front.


If I recall last year when I did chemistry, there is a big fat chemical reaction that takes place when the fluid is cracked: causing some kind of cold reaction....


(I'll get my 'lab' coat) :)


Correct me if I'm wronge...

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If I remember right a haze machine works on the same princible as a perfume atomiser, spraying the fluid at high pressure through a very fine nozzle. The first one's used a oil based fluid ( later to be phased out because of COSHH worries, A high concentration in the air could ignite or flash over). That's where the name Cracked oil or cracker comes from. The newer machine are a variation on a smoke machine using a very light fluid mix.



or I may be wrong.,.



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