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Seeking advice: interesting charity sound installation


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Thanks for getting back to me, James :P


Yes, there's only one trolley. Just 'choc-block' four balanced lines (one from each of the four sockets) together to an XLR input for each channel of the amp?


Seems like about £30 a connector or socket (average.) I was looking at DSUB, but not sure it's a conventional or otherwise good method.


/Mark :)


Well I mightn't use choc-bloc exactly. but that principle. Just keep the pairs twisted for as much of their length as possible. (Remember you can solder more than one lead into the back of an XLR


I was suggesting socapex as a cheeper alternative to harting or veem but DSub will carry audio. I see them on installed pieces of sound equipment regularly. Personaly I wouldn't trust the threads to hold anthing relialbly, particularly with regular insertions but if you are on a budget it will work. You need to weigh up the risks...



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Thanks for all your help with this, Chris (and anyone else who contributed!) On behalf of the students (and future students) of our college too! I wasn't particularly interested in sound before (I studied stage management and theatre tech at college), but I've spent hours and hours researching this time! It seems more interesting now.


Thanks again,

/Mark :P

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hi mark,

just a quick one, I would use edac over dsub any day!! dsubs are horrible to wire and are easy to break.. if you heat shrink the around the cable(s) going into an edac so it has something good to grip to and use some thread lock on the screws that hold the case together it will last pretty well.. and they are less fiddly to solder..


just my 2p..


good luck..




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The Mixer likewise is a solid unit - the one I know of in an install has been there several years and keeps ticking.

Surely that's a fault! :)


I've never had issues with fluorescent light fittings inducing noise.

Provided the starter is OK


just a quick one, I would use edac over dsub any day!!

I would not use dsub either, Ionfire is spot on. Or why not just put in 4 XLRs (clearly labelled) at each point, which would be cheap and add flexibility to your patching? Oh, maybe you want to use 3 pin XLR for your DMX. Why have lampies nicked our connector? :P

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Oh, maybe you want to use 3 pin XLR for your DMX. Why have lampies nicked our connector? :P
No, we haven't. Some cheap sods went and put them on their cheaper kit - it's NOT the standard.
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