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Sound Work


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I work for a sound and light production company as an aprentice. I love all things sound and want to work with sound as it is a passion I have. The problem is the company I work for are more lighting orientated and are trying to get me more into lighting rather than sound. When we do sound most of it is confrence sound with just a lecturn mic and maby a hand held. I do some work through my company at a local theatre when touring crews come in and try to gain as much knowledge from the sound crew as possible but this is not regular. I was wondering of anyone could point me in a direction and give me any help in achieving my goal.




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I work for a sound and light production company as an apprentice. I love all things sound and want to work with sound as it is a passion I have. The problem is the company I work for are more lighting orientated and are trying to get me more into lighting rather than sound. When we do sound most of it is conference sound with just a lectern mic and maybe a hand held. I do some work through my company at a local theatre when touring crews come in and try to gain as much knowledge from the sound crew as possible but this is not regular. I was wondering of anyone could point me in a direction and give me any help in achieving my goal.




Amazing what the spell checker does eh.

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Where in the country are you, I may be going mad at 3am, but I can't see it on your profile. Surely on some of your large lighting jobs you will meet sound hire companies - give them a ring, ask if they need any help - talk to your lighting boss first and tell him that you are more interested in sound. he may be happy to put you in touch with friends who run sound companies.
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