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European Lighting Standards


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Ok this should be an easy question for anyone whos done it before. Next Summer (2007) I'm off with a group on a european tour, not exactly sure what countries yet but I know finland is definatly somewhere we will be going. What I want to know is what differences are there with the regulations and power connections both mains and from light to dimmer. And anything else you know.
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Not certain about Finland.


Most of Europe use Shukos - round pin connectors in a round body - adaptors cheap and easily available. They also use these as connections to lanterns etc. Socapex seems common over there for multis.


Variations in where the earth connects occur I.e France use a pin above the L & N, Germany connect earth at the side of the plug with a strip of metal, Italians have an Earth between the L and N pins (so they don't fit in a normal Shucko).


Worth getting the list together of the countries for more detailed answers.


For regulations, we usually just do as in the UK.


Heavy mains is usually Ceeform. France don't use Camlocks (steep learning curve for the lighting co. who forgot to put the adaptors in for their dimmers).


Normally we take all UK stuff and just adapt the incoming mains and then live in our own little world with UK sockets etc. (this is corporate shows).


Hope this helps a bit

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If you're using heavy mains from TPNE CeeForm connections, some countries use the pilot pin in the centre to switch the power on when a plug is fully located in the socket. I think (if my failing mind serves me), you link the neutral pin to the pilot pin in the plug, but doubtless someone will correct me if I'm wrong. This is quite rare, but very confusing if you're not expecting it. Spain rings a bell. Sorry for the vagueness.


F - Wyg

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some countries use the pilot pin in the centre to switch the power on when a plug is fully located in the socket.


F - Wyg


Oh god yeah, forgot about that one - just spent ages sorting a problem out with some French kit with that problem. I managed to perfect the Galic shrug and left it to the sparks to sort out ;). Not certain if its regs for all of France or just something Apergee use.


When you have the venue list get in contact with them and get it from the horses mouth. Most will be able to speak more English than we can ever get away with in their language.

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