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Strand LD90 Dimmer Problems


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where I currently work, in the main theatre we have 5 LD90 Dimmer racks, which are playing up, e.g. lights on certain dimmers wont come on, or will be stuck on. been there for a while so we figured we have them serviced, so far been quoted £550 + Vat + parts, wondering if anyone knows anyone who would do this cheaper(this quote is from stage electrics) would be appreciated if anyone could help, in battersea.


Toby Nares

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Hmm, could do with some more description on the exact fault, if you could please? If they are fairly old racks, then it could be faulty triacs. If you have channels constantly on at 100% or not on at all, then this could indercate it. Best way to find out, get your multi meter out, and get testing!!
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if memory serves there are also three fused resistors. I remember being told there are 5 main components that fail on a regular basis(ie more than others)if only I could remember the fifth!


It's not really a component failure but the display forgetting it's contrast settings & looking like it's crashed is one of the most common service calls :-)

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Im just guessing now but do they have any kind of internal battery that needs changing every five years or so I think the best bet would be to phone Kieth at white light north he does know a hell of a lot about strand gear just tell him I sent you


Opera North

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