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Mackie t24


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Not personally, but a previous thread has opinions and a link to a couple of really good reviews.


All digital desks are a faustian pact: they offer riches beyond belief but theres pretty much always a price to be paid in terms of compromise somewhere in the user interface, the trick appears to be to find out what those compromises are and if they are acceptable to you and your intended application.


I think (never having seen one, just having read the manual and peoples experiences) that the TT24 pretty much rocks, and will only get better as the software improves. I heard that "tt" stands for "two touch", based on no function being more than "two touches" on buttons away.

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I have not personally used the tt24, however I have used the DXB (Digital X Bus). Very impressed, as previously said things can only get better with future software updates!


Would also recommend the Yamaha MC7L, used it in anger, and found it fantastic. Being from a analogue desk background its about the closest/easiest desk I have used compared with a good old fashioned analogue! Personal favourite has got to be a Cadac J Type (sorry going off on a tangent...)





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I have a TT24 at the college where I work.

In general it's very good, though routing can take a little longer to set up than an analogue if you're doing something slightly complicated. (Though once you've done it once you just save it)

I now do most of our lager gigs without any outboard units at FOH which saves space & set up time.

Although you can do everything (almost) on the desk alone, some of the best features are made better / quicker with a laptop.


All in all I would recommend it! Next software upgrade promises more features & the digital multicore is reported to be very close!


Look at Boxymusic ;) for very good price.


For much more discussion of the TT24, the forum on the Mackie site has 1000s of postings (not all positive either!)



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