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Freelance Noise Boy!


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Hiya Guy's, Iv just started out as a freelance engineer (www.soundengineer.i8.com) and I would really appreciate it if somebody could tell me how much I should be paying for public liability insurance and where to get the best deal and how to go about getting it because I have no real idea where to start.

any advice would be much appreciated!

cheers Guy's

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Probably the best deal is to join BECTU (£10 a month for the 1st year) and then get PL Insurance on top for an extra £12 a year...


Worth doing, even if for the first year while you get on your feet!





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Guest lightnix
It usually seems to come down to either Robertson Taylor in the London Docklands or Torribles in Bristol. Expect about £575 to be fully and properly covered. Expect it to be even higher next year :blink:
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