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cracker haze and projectors....


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hi guys, any advice would be greatly appreciated!!


Im currently touring with a musical that uses a DF-50 cracker amongst other things. We also use a sanyo xf45 projector. The projector went in for a service the other day , and they said that it was coated in oil, presumably from the cracker. it cost a fair bit to clean and they said that, because it was cracker oil, it would have got into the whole of the machine and it will probably need about 3 cleans to really get rid of the oil. This is a bit of a dilema. The projector upon return to us looks amazing, the brightnress and clarity are as good as it was when it was bought.


So it brings me to the question, what do other shows out there use if they have projectors? Is it fair to say that craker hazers are a 'no go' when using projectors? Do people mainly use water based ones? We trialed a water based one the other day and it isnt as good as the craker, but is that the comprimise were going to have to make for the sake of the budget?!


let me know!!





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Try going for a longer throw - the more removed the projector is from the stage the better. I have also seen a projector 'box' which had a filtered venitlation system, so that oil etc could not get in, but the unit did not overheat. It was not cheap IIRC - the company that used it had a small showroom where they demonstrated hazers and smoke machines to customers as well as desks etc so they suffered from oil coating things all the time.
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unfortunatly the show calls for an aultra short throw wide screen lens! its a 20ft across image, projected from the from of the truss which is about 16ft back.


I had heard of the ventilation box's or maybe it was specific projectors which had enclosed bits insode to stop the oil getting in. Either way I think it was way expencive. I think the way to go unfortunatly is a change in hazer.....

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