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What is the best Lighting CAD program?


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I am trying to get my college to get a design program to do lighting plans on but the only programs that I know is Visuliser and WYSIWYG.


is there any other programs and what one is best for new students.



Have a look at Wysiwyg LEARN Its designed for Schools usage as is the pricing structure, if you want more info on this please email me off forum.


Kind Regards


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Whilst any program is usable, there is a reason why WYSIWYG is the first program to pop up in people minds (and google). It is the bees knees. WYSIWYG is more than a CAD application though - it is more of a complete solution than a 'computer aided design' package.


For many people WYSIWYG is probably overspecced and does far too much.... but gosh is it nice when needed.

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WYSIWYG seems to work for my students both past and present - certainly on a PC platform. It also seems to work for scenic design students too.

VectorWorks has a constituency in the Mac world, but I know little about this.

I'm sure if you searched this site for "CAD", "WYSIWYG" or "VectorWorks" there would be a great deal of information.



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Hi there


I use Vectorworks which you can buy with a dedicated lighting design plugin called Spotlight. Check out http://www.nemetschek.net/spotlight/


I find the software pretty easy to use for plans as it has detailed hybrid 2d/3d symbols for most modern fixtures (although no old strand patt. models ;) ). The 3d tools and rendering are great and I find them very easy to use. It can do good static visualisations although I don't think that it will do moving lights (I've not really explored this). We use it at uni and I brought myself a student liscence version with all the plugin packs (spotlight, architect, designer, landmark, renderworks etc.) for about £170 I think.


Hope this helps



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