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What does VDOSC and DVDOSC stand for??


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Hi all, I have been thinking of using a small VDOSC system for a gig I'm doing this summer but what the letters V.D.O.S.C. mean is beyond me and its really starting to bug me. If anyone could shine light on this it would be great. Before you ask I have already tried Google ...


Thanks in advance.


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Try the L'Acoustics website:




The answers are:


VDOSC - The V refers to the V-shaped midrange section, while DOSC stands for â€Diffuseur d’Onde

Sonore Cylindrique†– in English this means Cylindrical Sound Wave Generator <== from the Manual Page 13


dV-DOSC is a mathematical relationship to the above. It's a derivative of V-DOSC.


They simply refer to the brands of Line Array made by L'Acoustics. If you're considering one and not sure what they refer to you probably don't need the size/cost of one...





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