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litestructures clear deck


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Hi all,


I'm lighting a modeling/dance show in a month or so that is hiring in a few sections of cleardeck (enough to make 4 squares of 8' by 8')


I'm interested in peoples experiences of lighting up through this, at the moment the plan is for a few par 64's and a mac 250 kr under each 8' square,



I'm interested in how much the clear deck will distort any gobos I project, and also how many 1kw short nose par 64's I'm likely to need to flood the decking from underneath so it looks like a big block of light rather than a few beams from the lanterns

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I'm interested in peoples experiences of lighting up through this, at the moment the plan is for a few par 64's and a mac 250 kr under each 8' square,



I'm interested in how much the clear deck will distort any gobos I project, and also how many 1kw short nose par 64's I'm likely to need to flood the decking from underneath so it looks like a big block of light rather than a few beams from the lanterns


Alot is going to depend on how high your going to have the cleardeck.


Also,I did something similar with 2' decking and fond that coda's worked better for the effect your trying to achive.

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Are you actually going to be using 'clear' deck or 'frosted' desk? both are great for different applications, the clear desk you will get pretty much undistorted gobos though but will be a pain to light as it's transmissive.


Frosted deck however is great to light (a few moles with scrollers and don't run them at full! it's distort the deck) but you won't get much goboage through it.


If the gobo's aren't essential then look at using the chromadeck...





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the deck's going to be at 75cm off the ground, and I believe that it is 'clear' deck rather than the frosted,the venue has a fair number of coda's (being used as house lights at the moment rather than the main house dimming system) so I'll try and convince the house techs to let them be used,


I highly doubt that we'll be able to afford the chromadeck as we're already pushing our budget somewhat!

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