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Both are distance education. You really cannot learn how to properly engineer sound via DE. You need to be able to hear what they are describing, and actually get your hands on the faders.


I am of the opinion you can tell a lot about a place by the website it presents. To me, first impressions make me think that this place is almost a recording studio which offers courses as opposed to a pro training organisation, or a small RTO with a couple of industry guys who have decided the studio life is not for them, not that there is anything wrong with that, in fact they can be quite good.


You do however need to go there and check them out. Actually talk to them. I was trained and certified in interactive multimedia at a small RTO, 10 of us in a class, and it was great. That was because the tutors were good and we learnt using industry standard tools. I was certified in web design (I already knew my stuff) by another, and they were pure crap. They trained us using what I like to call 'wannabe' tools like frontpage. Interactive Multimedia, the class all passed with distinctions. Web Design, I was the only one with a distinction and we had a 40% fail rate. The place I was taught IM had a 98% pass rate for the same certificate, and the coursework was far more conclusive and industry based. So you really need to go in and see them, see the equiptment, and see the course outline, then look arround at other RTO's.

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If doing a C&G will you be elligabelf ro a post-grad. As post-grad normally implies that you have grduated with Honours / ordinary degree not in a C&G. Although I appreciate some places may take C&G + experience as equivalencies.
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