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Strand Showport Software


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I'm trying to convert a Strand show file into ascii text format, for use on another desk, using Strand's Showport software...

Unfortunately, Showport is not generating any cue information (which is not very helpful) only chasers, patch, etc.


I've had this problem in the past, but managed to get around it by using an older version of the software. However I seem to have misplaced that somewhere when I bought a new PC, and now only have the latest version of Showport from the Strand site.


Has anyone got an older version of Showport, or perhaps know why there are no cues coming out of my version?


For info, the show was plotted on a Strand 520 running GeniusPro v2.4.

There are approximately 80 cues (not that I've seen any of them!) and half a dozen chases (not important, but I've got them just fine).



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Hi Barney,


Just had a similar problem loading an old version into the OLE. Try clearing the editor (fom archive screen), then load the cues only, re-save and then try opening it with your showport software.


Hope this helps



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hmmm.... have you ever tried the wonders of kazaa lite?


I think the site is www.k-lite.tk, if it aint it will automatically take you there, I hope



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Kazaa lite is a file sharing program, along the lines of the original "Napster" software (remember that?!) - it allows you to share Music, Videos, and Software, over the internet. Not sure whether or not its legal, and I, of course, do not condone the illegal sharing of copyrighted materials.
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If someone is online on Kazaa and sharing a copy of Strand Showport, then the OP could download a copy from them. I don't know what the chances are though, as I don't imagine its on the top of most users lists of things to share.
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Thanks - tried Kazaa, eventually, with no joy.


As an alternative, does anyone know where I can get a copy of the GeniusPro off-line editor. It used to be on the Strand site, but that's gone now as well.


Beginning to think I might have to do this manually after all :-(

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As an alternative, does anyone know where I can get a copy of the GeniusPro off-line editor. It used to be on the Strand site, but that's gone now as well.

No, it's still there ... www.strandlight.com, click Support, then click Software - all the files you need to download for the OLE are right there.

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