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New PA For School Hall


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My School has decided to upgrade the very underpowerd PA system. The budget is about £1500 maybe a little more. The hall seats about 300. It is currently not used very much but hopefully with a decent PA and some new lighting will be used for band nights, shows etc. I know thats a bit sketchy but any reccomendations of decent gear in that price range and suppliers would be felpful.


Thanks in advance



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I'm not recommending any kit but maybe giving some food for thought . In recent years I have done a few functions in a local school hall . These have ranged from the local flower arranging club through masqued balls to battle of the bands . The one thing they all had in common , apart from the venue was they all required different PA's . My advice would be to buy a PA that will get the most use e.g . if you plan to do more shows that bands get a PA that suits the shows and then hire in for the bands . For a hall that size you would need 2 - 3Kw for bands and with your budget that is less than £1 per watt which isn't much . I would be tempted to go for a pair of good active speakers (Mackie,EV to name bit 2) and a powered sub that can be used as and when . A system like this should cope with most senarios but may struggle a bit against a band with the back line turned up to 11 .
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Basically we have a decent system up untill the amp / cabs and thats what we are replacing. We currently have a 120w system that I have very nearly blown up on a few occasions.


Since starting last september I have hired in a few times mostly mackie srm's and they have done the job quite well. We have 2 C300's at the moment wich are ok but the little aus monitor amp is being retired. Im just looking for the basics of a system that can be expanded over the next few years.

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This system is quite a nice little package, about your size range and you could upgrade later! It is also £200 under your budget, which you could spend on other little odds and ends!


You could of course go second hand, and get quite a nice system for your price range!




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