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Strand R120 Wired remote.

Technical Dept.

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Hey do all,

I have two R120s, one for my 520i and one for a 300. however, one of them is playing at being a keyboard and gives me numbers letters and most symbols. obviously u cant turn lamps on and off when every time u hit Full you get a letter.


I assume there is a set of buttons I can press to return it to a riggers remote. such as the "." and "*" for contrast. Has anyone any idea what the buttons are?


I couldnt find it on the strand site. or anywhere else.


Thanks in advance.

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Thats very strange I've never known that happen before

stupid question but have you tried swapping remotes between desks to see if its the remote or the desk

all I can suggest is you ring bill at strand or trevor at oyster terminals

if you need the numbers let me know

sorry I couldnt be more help



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Hi thanks for replying, that was the next thing to do.


I havent tried with either desk, however I have swapped the leads over to see it was a wiring error, but the cables were fine, as the one unit works ok with both and the other is a keyboard with both, it must just be something inside that has been told its to be a keyboard.


oh well, time to call strand.

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