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Hiring out metrodeck


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At our school we have a large amount of metrodeck in stock - about 50 pieces, but don't make full use of it all year round and our thinking of hiring it out to recoup the capital outlay.


But something tells me that this won't be as simple as we hope. Obviously we will have to guarantee that the equipment is in good working order and to say the least safe, but what kind of responsibilities do we have with regard how the client uses the equipment once it's left us?


I'm just concerned that I'm opening up a can of worms that will be more trouble than it's worth.


Anyone got experience of this?

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Decking is a fairly common thing stocked by hire companies, take a look at the terms and conditions of a few of them, they usually include hirer's responsibilities for liability and insurance.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't comment on on the health and safety implications of hiring out the metrodeck although it is obvious you would have to accept liability for the maintainence of it... however....!!!!


In terms of the demand you would have, unless you have lighting and sound equipment available for hire also then you will find most people will order any metrodeck they require from the hire company. This limits you to possible custom within the local area of your school... the following is a realisitc estimation of how much you wil gain from hiring out.


The avergae piece of metrodeck measuring 2mx1m is around £18.00 excl VAT so to make this more financialy viable I would suggest knocking that price down to £16.00 excl VAT.


As a school, if you wish to hire any item out you will have to incur a VAT charge @ 17.5% regardless whether you charge VAT or not. So that would bring your actual total for a single piece of metrodeck to £13.50. It is up to you whether you feel this is a worthy profit and whether you could make it available commercialy


Personally I would sell it!!!

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I think you should also take into account that there will be a lot more ware and tear on the item unless you chose your clients very carefully and even then it will be increased to some degree. The majority of users will treat equipment a lot harsher than the average school, I'm not trying to put you off but think this needs taking into account.
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We've hired/loaned stuff out in the past (for a 'donation') and invariably it comes back worse for wear. I've stopped doing it now. It took me too long to get it and I get annoyed when it is abused. Also, our local hire company were not too impressed when they found out and it meant they were a little less helpful than they used to be.


I only let one organisation borrow our stuff on a quid pro quo basis. I know the guy in charge and he looks after stuff well.

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50 bits of metrodeck. Whatever you hire it out for you will regret. Who keeps the money? Who spends an hour or two loading the truck. Decking has to be the worst thing to load/unload.


Also, do you have a truck and driver? Very tricky to get right.

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