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Trouble After Upgrade Anycast Sony


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Hy guys,


Last days I've spend my times trying to upgrade this marvellous switcher which I use it for about 6 month daily.

I have no complains about the original version, but I want to upgrade because I want to achieve the "hidden" features of that switcher. So I upgrade to 1.30 version.

But, after upgrading successfully, things go wrong. Now I lose the possibility to perform DSK, KEY, Mix, the INT source refuses to appear in the PGM window. The colour bars appear distorted only in PVW window. Everything smells like "bugs".

Do you have any idea how to uninstall this version? I search the net, but I didn't found anything, except the last version. I have the latest version 1.31, but after installation there are the same troubles.

I appreciate if you can give me an advice or if you know something to solve my problem. Now the only operation permitted is CUT and Text tool.

Excuse my English and grammar, but I didn't practised for a long time.

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