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additional training

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I've decided I want to take a course or two to make myself more attractive to potential employers and have applied for a training grant of £200 to do this. (I recommend ILA Scotland to any low-earning Scots ;) ) I have an HNC in Production and Technical Theatre and have been working casually, mainly in LX, for the last 2 or 3 years.


My original thought was to renew my First Aid and take a PAT test course. Looking through this folder I see that the C&G 2381 might be a good option, although I'm not sure I have enough background knowledge for the course. There was also a C&G 181 (or possibly 1820?) mentioned, but I haven't been able to find that course offered.


I wondered if anyone had any advice or opinions they could share, on these courses or any others? Might I be better to look for something in the H&S field, working at height perhaps. I'm restricted by the range of learning providers that this funding will apply to, so unfortunately manufacturers courses aren't an option.





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I've decided I want to take a course or two to make myself more attractive to potential employers

I'm restricted by the range of learning providers that this funding will apply to, so unfortunately manufacturers courses aren't an option.




Unless of course those manufacturers are offering free or nearly free training, which some do. Its worth asking. IIRC D&B audio do an excellent training day on sound system design, not just on their products but on the science behind how people hear sound coming out of speakers and how positions of those speakers changes what people hear. PCM ( name may have changed) did a free motor school teaching people how to fault find and strip down and reassemble a lodestar chain motor. Some of the big hire companies also do free training sessions ona range of products. its worth asking , you might find something interesting.


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If you're looking to work as a freelancer then First Aid and PAT testing would be very good choices.


However, if you want to work in a venue then venues would probably expect to put you through these courses anyway, if you didn't already have them. Something more to do with the 'coal face' might be more appropriate for them (e.g. training on rigging, electrics or anything with an appropirate qualification).

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Strong Advice- C&G1810........ the credibility of this course in my opinion from a first had experience has dropped very low. I will not post the institution I shortly studied this at as I do not want to be seen as slanderous. the course has the potential of being a excellent course, but the institution I studied at was very very under funded, lacked knowledge industry professionals and attitude as to which the course requires the approach to be any use to experienced and beginning technicians. please if you would like more of a honest opinion and a good brake down of what the course covers I will happy to share my experience.
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The infamous C&G 1810.


I can hazard a guess of the location you are referring too. As with all educational establishments, this one has as many flaws as the next. But I do believe the course gives a good grounding on electrical subject matter, often not covered by specific lighting courses currently available.


You sound like like you didn't have a particularly pleasant time. And I can empathise. But I also know that some of the topics covered/skills taught have come in very useful on many occasions.



I also have some fond memories:



My first day at the college was cut short by a stabbing in reception. From that point on, it could only get better!



Think of it as a rite of passage......

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My first day at the college was cut short by a stabbing in reception. From that point on, it could only get better!


"From That Point on" - is this line meant to be a humorous point hehe ,or is it just me :nerd:


Thought I would have a stab at making something humorous :D


Apologies to the victim of the stabbing

John Partridge

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I would like to apply for C&G 1810 Theatre Electrics Lighting @ Paddington Centre

starting September 2006. But as I read previous posts about this course

I'm starting to have my doubts. Has anyone recently graduated this course or is

studying there right now?

What's your honest opinion?

And is it hard to get on this course?


You can also pm me: raintzz@hot.ee

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