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Behringer ADA8000


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Hiya guys,


Does any body know of a hire company in or around Essex that can hire Behringer ADA8000's out to me???


I'm using a DDX3216 and have the ADAT card so I can expand to the extra 16 Mic channels but the Behringer Preamps that I ordered with it are not avaliable at the minute. I have been waiting 4 months for them and they are meant to be here by March 31st, the only problem being I need to have them for a event im doing on 10th Feb. They may come in time but I cant guarentee it at all so need to have a backup.


Thanks for any help guys, greatly apreciated.



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Indeed. Rather than renting, it might be worth doing a ring round...lots of places keep these in stock. When I bought mine, one place assured me they were impossible to get...and AC Lighting had them in stock and got them to me next day.



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thanks for the help guys, but foned round every supplier I could find on the net and no-one seems to have them or be getting them until march. is there anyone out there who can hire to me??? I will pay the postage cost to and from me if theres no one near me (essex). if anyone knows anywhere that they are in stock please let me know.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll see what I can do tomorrow morning...


I run a music shop in the south of France, but I usually get behringer stuff in 24 hours. meaning I could have them in on monday, ship them same day, and you would have them by wednesday, lets say thursday latest. I'll see what I can do and keep you posted as soon as possible...


How many would you need then???

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Hmm, you've worried me now,

I am supposed to have two on order for my old school, and I need them by 24th March at the latest!

Supplier claims that they'll be in stock next week but now I seem to doubt that...

Mark, do you think you could let me know, PM or otherwise :mods: where you've hired yours from?

Many thanks


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Ok, latest news from my supplier, says that a huge shipment should be coming in for Europe first half of next week, supplying France, Spain, the UK and germany. So you should be alright, theoretically...

I'll keep you all posted as soon as I have news...

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Cheers Guys,


I've found some that can be hired to me and mine are meant to be coming first quarter of this year. Thanks for all you help guys.




Hi Mark, could you possible let me know where you are going to hirer them from, incase we need to hirer them for our show if ours do not arrive in time. (I am on about the same show as radders)

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