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Work Experience in the UK

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I live in the Surrey area, Near Guildford and there was anybody who could give me a weeks unpaid work experience. I am a student at Cranleigh School and I am on the tech crew. I would like to gather more experience in working in a theatre. I am mainly a Lighing operator with experience with moving lights (Macs).





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I would like to gather more experience in working in a theatre.


Presumably you've contacted your local theatres


Not yet. Do you think that that would be the best place?


Huh?! :(


Tom, if you're looking to get work experience at a theatre, then yes, I'd say that contacting a theatre would be a very good place to start. In fact, I'd say that it's basic common sense.

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When asking for a placement its a good idea to have two possible weeks in mind and say when they are. Also say what sort of work experience you are looking for, ie- generall all depts or just technicial.

Think about how you will get to the placement- that may affect the times you can commit to. Many theatre tech depts will be more interesting if you can spend some evening sessions with them.


If you don't get offered a placement remember its not nessesarily becasue you weren't "good enough" many theatres are asked for placements by dozens of young people each summer and can only take a very small number on , you might just be too late or the week you can do is not a good one for that dept.


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