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soldering cables (again)


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I am missing something........

unless you specifically need it to go down 1 cable (2 core and screen such as a mic cable)

I have always taken the DI box route....


If the source if a stereo connection it needs splitting to 2 mono connections

if its already 2 mono it simply needs plugging into 2 di's.

this way you are not limited so much with cable runs. phantom power is oftena bonus and you go in on XLR. low Z input. erm........


I know I am missing something completly here. I must be as this would have been suggested. please tell me where I'm going wrong. My head hurts.




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My head hurts.

It was immediately obvious on seeing the original question that something was up. It asked for a definitive answer to a very fuzzy question, which is why I started by defining what the question I was going to answer was. I defined it as my best read of the questioners intent was. It's clear that other interpretations are possible, but I've not seen one that better fits what the OP said than mine.


Lots of interesting ramblings, but in absence of comment from the OP we're no further forward.


I always have a few DIs about the rig, so I would be unlikely to resort to shoving L+R CD audio down a mic cable, I too would use a DI. But I do confess I quite often shove amplifier L+R down a single mic cable, but the impedence drive is much lower, so no crosstalk issues. As long as your rig grounds are sorted, theres no bad effects.


This may be the answer though:





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I'm one for... if it works use it.


When I was using a 16/4 multicore (a number of years back) when I was working with just one band as engineer we used to Monitors from FOH.

I needed all 16 sends on the multicore which left me 4 returns.. one left and one right.

and 4 monitors.....so I made up the cables to use the monitor sends as 2 sets of stereo ones. never had any crosstalk or intereference issues but. I suppose that was as much luck than anything else



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I find the twin phono - XLR trick to be very useful when doing a PA for a large garden/house party, enables the CD player to be within reach of all the idiots, but the mixer/amps/radio mic RX to be locked away from harm in a loft/garage/cupboard/bedroom etc. Never had any probs over a 15m run.
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