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The New ITC course... SMs as managers

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The ITC's new course, Stage Managers as Managers.

I am kind of interested in, and I wondered if it is worth all that money, and if any of you have any views on it or are going to take part in it. I think I would like to move into more management-y positions in the long run and wondered is this the way to go about it?


The Stage Manager as Manager


Date: 17/02/2006 - 10.00am - 5.00pm

Trainer Jane Claire

Fee 170.00

VAT 29.75

Total 199.75

Location: ITC Training Room

Aim: By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• identify the breadth of transferable skills within stage management

• adopt a mixture of practical ideas to support your professional development

• understand the stages involved in a career planning process

• identify some tools to assist in assessing the personal attributes and skills

• understand what is needed to take the next steps in career development

• feel confident to be able to draw upon your own skills, knowledge and experience in pursuing wider career opportunities



Target Audience: This one-day course is aimed at experienced stage managers with an interest in developing towards a broader role in arts management and administration and those seeking to develop their arts administration skills further. Participants will be working as


Approach: This course combines theory with practical exercises, group discussion and the sharing of ideas and experiences.

* This course can be undertaken on its own at a cost of £170.00 plus VAT (30% discount for full members of SMA or ITC). If you book this course and at the same time book two other management courses from the full ITC Training Programme the combined cost will be £250.00 plus VAT (no additional discounts available). That is less than half-price for the training overall.


Shamelessly lifted from www.itc-arts.org


(mods - I couldn't decide between posting in the training forum and the SM forum, I chose here because it more directly affects us, and I am assuming the rest of the SM team check here more frequently, if I'm wrong, please move me!)

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Well, that looks like the most boring day I can imagine, lots of chat, group work (as in collecting ideas and sticking them on a white board) all for £200?


I'd want to know what I'm going to learn - those lovely eduspeak words mean zilch!

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Guest lightnix

The worth of all these kinds of courses is ultimately decided by the Industry's perception of them.


My first reaction was to agree with paul (I'm very anti-gobbledegook), but on the other hand I see nothing wrong in trying to get Theatre / Entertainments per se to conduct itself in a more businesslike manner. Reading a few bits of the Independent Theatre Council (ITC) website has dispelled at least some of my initial misgivings; they've been going over 30 years, they have a pretty extensive member list and offer a wide range of possibly useful business services.


Their courses look like they're aimed mainly at management, but from what I can see it looks like something may be worth investigating further. There's probably no harm in at least gaining an insight into modern management methods - you might wind up a bit better able to talk to them in their language. Why not have a rummage through their members list and contact a few people for opinions?



:unsure: - Topic moved to Training & Qualifications B-)

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