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Freelance Rates


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I've just been asked to give my freelance rates for varying work, how ever I've always just done pricing per job. Does anyone have or know of a rough pay scale for freelance work, to include lighting design work...especially PANTO!!!


I know it's mostly individual what to charge, but it would be nice to be able to keep together, and avoid back biting, and silly undercutting, wouldn't it??!

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As a member or Bectu, would it be worth you consulting them over an estimated freelance rate for yourself as they would probably be able to advise you better.


The reason I suggest this is that there are people on this forum that are from so many areas of the industry (this is not a criticism)


You have casual theatre techs,

moving light techs,

moving light programmers and ops,


students just starting freelance,

freelancers working for the last how ever many years,

tv sound engineers,





and the responses would all be from varying angles, from minimum wage all the way upto a high day rate. It also depends upon your location, as a day rate for a technician in london would be higher than a day rate for someone in cornwall...


Therefore Bectu would probably be able to advise you more acuratly for your situation, I hope this helps...

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Lots of factors in play here ...


First off, what sort of work are you quoting for? Obviously the skilled board op who spends the day programming a big moving light rig is going to earn a little more than the humper who takes flightcases from the truck to the stage and back again.


Second, what aspect of the lighting business are you looking to work in? TV and corporate pay much better than theatre, but are trickier to get into (especially TV).


Also, you'll quite often find that if you're negotiating a rate as, say, a prod LX on a tour for a theatre producer they'll actually tell you what rate they're offering, rather than asking you what you charge.


And have a thoroughly good read of everything you can find relating to IR35 compliance and get yourself a good accountant - if you're looking to move into freelance work there's a lot you need to be aware of if you don't want the Inland Revenue clobbering you big-time every April. The PSA website (www.psa.org.uk) has some good stuff, Lightnix has posted some great info on this very forum in the past, and a search for IR35 on www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk will also produce some interesting reading material ...

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Some Rough prices for you based on what we pay here at 10/10 Based on a 12 hour day.


-1- Newby out for the giggle, experience, humping(oooooer madam), little responsibility £75.00 per day plus travel, free lunch and all the coffee he/she can drink. May even have to pop out to get the coffees for everyone else :angry:


-2- Couple of years experience, general; crew member lighting or sound £120.00 per day


-3- Sound Number 3, electrician £150.00 per day

-4- Sound Number 2, production electrician £160.00

-5- Chief electrician, crew chief Sound Number 1 £175

-6- Sound deigner, lighting designer £200.00-£250.00 per day


Hope this helps

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Some Rough prices for you based on what we pay here at 10/10 Based on a 12 hour day.


-1- Newby out for the giggle, experience, humping(oooooer madam), little responsibility £75.00 per day plus travel, free lunch and all the coffee he/she can drink. May even have to pop out to get the coffees for everyone else 


-2- Couple of years experience, general; crew member lighting or sound £120.00 per day


-3- Sound Number 3, electrician £150.00 per day

-4- Sound Number 2, production electrician £160.00

-5- Chief electrician, crew chief Sound Number 1 £175

-6- Sound deigner, lighting designer £200.00-£250.00 per day


Hope this helps


16 or so years in the biz. Still earn between £70 and £200 a day freelance. Differs with every show. Did once make £850 for 1 day. (fit-up Christmas day, care bears on ice, but I don't talk about it...)

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