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Union Agreement Of Workers


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I need that somebody send a copy or a Link of the Union Agreement of Workers of Sound or Illumination of some of these countries.... England, France, usa...



my mail is: hayquedenunciarlosya@hotmail.com




:) - Title edited for excess CAPITALS.

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Here is the link you need. I won't be e-mailing it to you (and I hope no-one else will, either) - if you ask the question on the forum, you get the answer on the forum, and if you can't even be bothered to check for responses then that's too bad. It's common courtesy, really ...
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The link I posted is for theatre workers - if you wanted one for touring technicians, you should've said. I don't mean to be rude - I can see that English is not your mother tongue, but you gotta ask the right quetion to get the right answers!


Lighting and sound technicians who work in the touring/concert business in the UK don't have an 'agreement', really. BECTU looks after their interests to a certain extent, but not as much so as it does for those working in theatre, film and broadcast. The other organisation that might be relevant is the PSA.

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