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Assigning Macros to Cues

Chris Davies

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I have programmed a rig check and want to assign a macro to the last cue of it so that when it completes it will sync my main console and back-up together.


I have written the macro and it exectutes if I type the command in:


[MACRO] 300 *


When I assign it to the last cue however it does not do anything.


I have been told that there is a quirky thing in the software that it does not like assigning macros to Part 1 of a cue - it still does not work even if I assign the macro to part 2 though.


Does anyone have any suggestions.


I am using a Strand 520i in DIRECT 2 DIGIT with a 510i as the back-up by the way!


Many Thanks



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Hi Chris


I will ask the obvious, what software version are you currently running?


I had a look on my 520i( very little to do this morning). I do not possess a back up so could not execute the commnand fully. The macro triggered up to the point where it told me to get a 510i.


I get the feeling that there could be a conflict in the cue when you go for the macro i.e. lights are still fading when macro is enabled. If the macro is not working with a part cue maybe you try a "proper" cue on its own without anything else happening in the cue. I would try this and after that I'd start to scratch my beard.


best of luck with it





Ps: This might be granny suck eggs moment but when you start the rig check sequence do you put LOAD in when you run the 1st cue. It is a small thing but may be part of your problem. Also meant to say by "proper" I meant dummy cue.




eamon 2

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Thanks for your suggestions Eamon,


I will need to check what sofware version it is as I cant remember off the top of my head.


As far as starting the Rig-check goes I do:


[CUE] *** [LOAD X1] [GO]


Incidentally I have recorded this as a macro and assigned to 'P14' and it exectutes perfectally fine.


Thanks again



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If the macro works fine when you run it from a macro key but not when you run it from a cue (which you suggest it does), you probably need to go to:




then change the setup option 'Cue Sheet Macros' to say 'Main Console' (I'd be fairly sure that it says 'Last Handheld' at the moment).



This is one of those 'quirky' console things: the console has a main command line (where you see commands you type on the console appear) and several other invisible command lines, normally used by the handheld remotes to allow them to operate independently of anything the console operator is doing.


Normally when you run a macro from a cue it actually runs on one of these 'invisible' command lines (so that running a cue that triggers a macro doesn't screw up any command you happen to be typing at the time).


Your problem is probably that there are some functions that are deliberately disabled on the 'remote' command lines - eg. I don't think "*" on an empty command line on a remote will select all channels that are on, whereas on a console it will. I don't know for certain, but I'd suspect that 'give sync' probably isn't allowed on the remote commandline.


For those situations, this setup option allows you to run cue sheet macros on the main command line where all functions are allowed. In return you just need to be careful you're not in the middle of typing an important command when that cue/macro runs.


Macros should run fine from any part of a cue. Just out of habit I usually make a separate part that triggers the macro, give it a time of zero and a delay longer than the down time of the main part of the cue - ie. so the cue finishes then the macro runs.


Hope this helps.



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I have not tried this myself but I believe it is possible to make a macro that will set the desk to 'main console' then 'give sync' and back again.


You will possibly find that you need to write a number of macros to do it. For example:


Macro 1: sets the desk into 'main console'


Macro 2: does the 'give sync' part


and finally


Macro 3: set the desk back to 'last handheld'.


Assign each one to a cue and then link them by using a wait time.


You do need to be carefull about doing macros that go into setup etc


Rob Halliday has written some stuff on how to do this as part of the 'Programming Tips' in the Strand Newsletter see below.


Also, remember that macros are just sets of commands with no intelligence. Switch to the

SETUP screen then record a macro that changes a setting. Switch to the LIVE screen

and run that macro - you won’t see the result you expect because the macro doesn’t contain

the keypress to switch the console to SETUP mode. Be sure to make your macro

do everything it needs to do - including switching to the right mode first.


Macros that change console settings need particular care because the macro will just

record cursor movements rather than absolute cursor positions and, if you’re not careful, will

change whatever setting the cursor happens to be on next time it’s used. The console includes

functions to help with this: in any SETUP screen press [*] and the cursor will

jump to the top left-hand setting; press the {DEFLT} softkey and that setting will jump to

its default value. Your macro could then step through the various settings to get to the one

you want. So, for example if you wanted a macro that always switched CC Auto Hold

Mode to ON, the safe version would be: [sETUP][*][TRACKBALLDOWN]{DEFLT}[+][LASTSCREEN]

Hope this of some help



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