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Which board for the job???

Ben Bodsworth

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HI guys, had a quick google and couldnt find anything, so appologies if this topic (or similar has been brought up before).


I'm doing a school PE Display at the middle school I used to go to and am borrowing one of the 2 desks which my current 6th form has, it needs to control;


6 Floods


2 Profiles


8 Fresnels


8 Parcans


and a few other VERY old lights.


My main question is, which board should I use??? a Frog or a Sirus 24? I know they are very similar, but which do people prefer and why???


Any help is much appreciated

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I say use the one you are most comfortable with and know how to use more. This way you will be able to work quicker and concentrate more on the design of the lights and less on how to operate the desk.



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There's nothing in that kit list that needs any fancy control. Both of the desks you mentioned will do the job. The Frog is newer than the Sirius so probably likely to be in better nick and more reliable. I suppose JD is right, and it comes down to which one you're more familiar with. If the answer is "neither" then I'd suggest the Frog - it's a bit less likely to mess with your head if you're trying to learn it in a hurry! :rolleyes:
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As a user of both desks myself, I would say the Frog. It does depend also on how many channels from that you are aiming to run - pair or individual. The other factor I would bear in mind is whether or not you are going to be doing chases. If you are then I would say use the Frog as from experience they are easier to control.





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Mine's another vote for the Frog.


Either desk is certainly capable of controlling what you list so your experience and familiarity on the desk is probably the major influence. But if you have no recent experience of either board then I'd go with the Frog.


I'd base this on the fact that it's newer and probably in better condition as mentioned above but also on a couple of other feature differences...


Frog has 12 submasters vs Sirius 6 (and multiple pages of submaster too)

Frog allows you to soft patch


The submasters will let you either put looks together or group by function so that you can build a look more quickly (I'm assuming that this PE display will be busked rather than you recording a set of cues to run like a theatrical performance)


The soft patch is less essential but it would allow you to arrange the similar purpose lanterns into consecutive channels which again makes busking easier.


Just my 2p

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I reccomend the frog if you can take it (as GallyTry owns it). As the sirus has dirty faders that don't offer dipless fade any longer. The frog is nicer, as you can (when using a screen) label the scenes, and I belive that you can but presets and chases both in scenes. It is also much easyier too program the whole show, so you just have to click the 'GO' button- espically useful when you are one your 5th helping of year 5 clowns. However, the sirius is a nice board, and simple to use. The main advantage I would say with the sirius is that you chan have sound chases to the audio frequency- like that chaser you hired.


I would probaly if in your shoes use the frog, but make your own mind.








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another factor might be how your controlling your dimmers, I know the portable dimmers my old school got were DMX to go with the new frog, but the sirrus desk was analogue only,


if your comfortable with both desks its something that might make your life easier

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I am Another user of both desks. I find the Sirius easy to control and learn quick, it is simpler so if you haven't done alot of lighting, or if its being done in a hurry. However if neither the two factors above are present, the frog. Will be more reliable!


Good luck


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...then I'd suggest the Frog - it's a bit less likely to mess with your head if you're trying to learn it in a hurry! :)



As a user of both desks myself, I would say the Frog. If you are then I would say use the Frog as from experience they are easier to control.



I am Another user of both desks. I find the Sirius easy to control and learn quick, it is simpler so if you haven't done alot of lighting, or if its being done in a hurry. However if neither the two factors above are present, the frog. Will be more reliable!


Can I just make the point that the above comment contradicts what has already been said. I personally would say that the Frog is much easier to use. The setup may sometimes be a fiddle (FatFrog) but generally the use is much much easier than a Sirius for chases, and as far as just pushing faders up I don't think it makes any difference which desk but I would go for the Frog as the subs and chases are much easier.


...the frog. Will be more reliable!

Thee frog more reliable? Isn't it prone to crashing, and then taking ages to reload? The features of the board are better however.


Yes and know, with the latest patch it seems ok. I have only had a FatFrog crash on me once, and the load time is no longer really than a Strand 500 series or a Pearl. Obviously the Sirius loads faster but then it doesn’t have as complex software.

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