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Etc Rfu


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Well Guys, this is a long shot, but if you don't ask...


I've just completed a regional arts board, community lighting installation piece. Basically LED's running to astronomical clocked events running from ETC Express LPC PlayBack Unit.


Anyone who has tried setting time/ etc on one of these with the 'Macro Key Shuffle' will know what an arse it is used. As the clocks will be changing next month, I thought you never know, someone might have an RFU going begging - the poor guys who'll have to change the clock can spend time doing useful stuff rather than practicing: 'Macro 7 Hold, Macro 1+4 Depress, Macro 7 Release x 20'.


So if anyone has got an RFU at the back of a cupboard, one that has become orphaned from its desk, or the display dosen't work, then shout now! Obviously, its the end of the project and this is a 'what if?', but we could definitely pay postage.


Waiting for a miracle



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if you are using an ETC as you say then why not just use one of the macros that is not used and make this into the full sequence of key presses, that way you only have to press the one key not all of them. hope this helps


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You would think this would be the ultimate solution!


I tried to write +/-, enter macros on the off-line editor for the front panel macros, however note the 'finger shuffle' sequence in my original post, something like - M7 Press & Hold, M1+4 Depress, M7 Release. It's not easy recreating this as a macro.





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its not easy but it is doable as you can set the macro to "listen" to the comands from a certain time till you stop it, that way it copies every press and every press and hold that you do.


I cant remember the best way to do this off the top of my head but I should be speaking to ETC tommorow anyway so I will ask while im speaking to them and see what they say, ill let you know if I get a chance to speak to them.



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