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New Term, New Problems


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One of our follow spots is in a bit of trouble. The lamp assembly has "disappeared". Rather, it has been stolen, and I haven't a clue what I need to tell our HOD to order!


We have a CCT Silhouette 1.2kw Follow Spot, and the part which slides out the bototm containing the lamp assembly has disappeared! We also need to purchase some lamps.


Is it best to go and phone or email CCT and explain to them the situation, phone or email the people who set up the rig (if we still have the documentation), or to simply browse some catalogs. Is it even possible to get the missing bit seperatley, or will we have to buy a nice new F/S ?


Finally, what kind of lamp do these spots require? I think GX9.5 1.2kw, not sure though.


Thanks in advance (and please, this time, no comments on how old the kit is!)

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CCT list part code ZS035, the Sil replacement lamptray kit, at GBP£59


Here's a complete list of spares for the 1.2kw Sil unit: http://www.cctlighting.com/z00t0_spares.htm











P.S. It's amazing what a look at the manufacturer's website can tell you...


Edit II

Also see this: http://www.stage-electrics.co.uk/websfi?20916260

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Nick, perhaps you are not aware that I started lighting two years ago, and have no experience other than what we have been taught in school - I'm 15, and do not know that I am looking for a lamptray! I had looked around CCT's site and could find nothing.


Thanks for your help, don't get me wrong - it's greatly appreciated.

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Nick, perhaps you are not aware that I started lighting two years ago, and have no experience other than what we have been taught in school - I'm 15, and do not know that I am looking for a lamptray! I had looked around CCT's site and could find nothing.


Thanks for your help, don't get me wrong - it's greatly appreciated.

OK, Fair enough.

I wasn't really being narcy. I'm not an amateur and an inexperienced one at that - I just guestimated from your description that the lampbase fitted on a slide out tray would be a lamp tray... :-P



Nah warries, tho.


CCT's website is looking pretty old isn't it? Someone should tell them.



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Is it the "norm" to have a lighting guy with glasses?

I imagine that it's no different to the rest of the population.

If you're vision's corrected it may, in fact, be better than the rest of populous.

When I started driving I got specs because of the legal requirements, but didn't need them for anything else. I found, however, that wearing them helped a lot with LXing (i.e. clearer sight) and a good number have people who have tried them who DON'T wear glasses have been surprised to find that my mild prescription (0.5 or 1 or something) actually improves their vision.


What I'm saying is that your vision with specs might be better than someone who doesn't wear glasses.



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That reminds me of the guy we used to call the "Heath Hazard"*.


I remember F/Spotting for a student production of Sweet Charity, and the first two nights one of the cues over the cans went as follows:

"Heath, get the blue girl, Rich, get the pink one"

"Ok, blue", "Ok, pink"


Guess what, he was colour blind, and both those nights we ended up landing on the same actress. Very embarrassing!


*So called because he was off his rocker regarding heights. Heath still holds the venue record for fastest scaff tower build, refocus, and dismantle, at just over four minutes

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CCT's website is looking pretty old isn't it? Someone should tell them.


Matches their kit then. :(


Is it the "norm" to have a lighting guy with glasses?


And I know a "sound engineer" who is more than a little hard of hearing. It really doesn't help!

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We have two follow spots :( Identical ones. But different brightness. I guess the lamps aren't aligned identically - to be honest, I haven't really got the eye sight to do this.

Make sure they're both the same wattage lamps for a start - 1k or 1.2k. AFAIR, the SIL lamptrays need adjusting depending on whether you are using 1k or 1.2k lamps, involving moving some washers around.


The old lamp trays used to be marked out so that you could roughly line the filament up before you pushed the tray back into the lantern - not sure if they still are though. Finally, if it really won't come into adjustment, you may find someone's done the adjusting screw up so tight as to bend the corner of the lampbase! You might be able to bend the lampbase back, or the metal might fatigue and break. Quality CCT build quality strikes again - I know why I much prefer Cantatas to adjust!

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