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Chris P.

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Everything posted by Chris P.

  1. Ta. I hadn't noticed the connector reference when I read that post, so I didn't follow the links! It was the Behringer PSU that attracted my attention. There are several of them of different voltages etc and I wanted to confirm that I had my eye on the right one. I suspect I have.
  2. Further to this, it seems that it is not possible to get the proprietary Soundcraft connector for this, so it would involve replacing the connector at the desk to fit it, which I can do. What part would be needed, would it fit in the desk (I can enlarge holes but am thinking of space) or would I be looking at replacing both the plug and the jack with something different??
  3. I have the same problem, I lost the PSU for my Souncraft Notepad 124FX and can't get another one. I was wondering if this Behringer PSU5 would do the trick? https://www.boomerangsounds.co.uk/product.php/3621/behringer-psu5-uk It has similar Output Voltage: 2x 17.5V AC and Output Current: 2x 650mA, and the connector looks like mine, though it's difficult to guess the size.
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