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Posts posted by ianknight

  1. I'm sorry - I think I'm missing something here - I know I'm old and lose track easily but... You have touring shows and groups turn up on the doorstep and announce they're doing a show and do you have a fixture for your desk for the PyongZang 34 LED digital laser?


    From my experience when I was in a touring venue, folk usually talked to us beforehand and gave us a list of what they were bringing which gave us time to prepare (and edit fixtures for our Strand 430) so it wasn't a question of "Sorry - can we hold your rehearsal whilst we figure out what fixtures?".


    I think it's unreasonable to expect Zero88 to split their library in two (or perhaps more when the Library expands) because then the argument will become "Why do I have to have 4 floppy disks with fixtures on?". I understand your need to keep things simple but when fixtures are involved things get complicated anyway with operation modes, 8bit versus 16bit, number of operating channels - how will your less technical users get on then?

  2. Fat lot of good putting anything on the Zero88 forum will do you, I raised that with then in January that the new Fixture library is too big to fit on a floppy disk, and their solution is that you need to use Fixture Tools to edit it and remove the ones you don't need. Great but we run all office Macs - and many people are in colleges/schools where they don't have the freedom to install software on their Windows machines anyway.


    So it's pressing enough to have just the Fixtures you need but not pressing enough to borrow a PC or set up BootCamp on one of your Macs to let you run the Fixture Editor? ;)

  3. Which Antari machines and what age? If you send me a PM, I'll see what I can find out.


    Bear in mind though that some of the Antari machines aren't worth repairing because cost of things like Pumps and Blocks are more than buying a new machine (sad I know - but true)

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