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Everything posted by PAHS

  1. If I don’t connect the amps to the speakers and run a sine wave through the system at full power, and connect it to a power meter will this be a good representation on how much power I would use at full output?
  2. Thank you all for your replies. So is it better to get a 32 amp distro and run everything through that, powering the amps up individually, and connect a 13a plug to a cee-form connection to provide the power, is that we’re saying? I just want to be clear and safe. Thank you all
  3. Yeah I agree, but unfortunately sometimes it’s what we’ll need to work with - any suggestions / recommendations on distros or the best way to power them? Thanks
  4. I am considering upgrading my current amplifiers from MC2 to Powersoft after hearing my rig run with them, in my view there is a noticeable difference in sound quality. However I’ll be upgrading to 2 X K3 and 2 K8 to run my rig, but my question is how I mains power them. I see a lot of big rigs powered by 16A, 32A input supplies, such as c-form inputs but how does this differ when you are in a normal club which has the standard ring main, or doesn’t it make any difference? What is the best way to power them?
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