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Posts posted by knightdan65

  1. Hi Soundies,


    I’ve asked around on Tascam forums and their customer service people but I’m struggling to find the answer to the below. Maybe someone here can help?


    I work in an educational theatre where we have a Tascam DM3200 as our FOH desk and an iMac running Qlab (most recent version). It’d be swell if I could use the transport buttons on the DM to trigger qlab via midi usb. i.e. ‘play’ on the DM = ‘Go’ in Qlab.


    Has anyone done this or something similar? Bit of an unusual setup using a studio desk for live sound, I know. I’m not massively savvy with MIDI so much of the manual unfortunately goes over my head. But since the DM is designed to interface with DAW’s in this way, there must surely be a way of assigning its keys to send commands to Qlab. So I’m appealing to the good folks of BR.



  2. Hi,

    No, I don't think you can do that, however, if you aren't planning on using all 999 memories, use one that is miles away from where you are programming. I use 950 onwards for chases.


    Aha, hadn’t thought of that. Simple solution - thanks ? still, seems a clumsy way of organising the programming method for sub masters. I wonder why Zero88 made it that way, given how intuitive many of their other desks are. Hasty release perhaps?

  3. Hi all,


    Got a Fat Frog, which I’m navigating my way through. No problem with recording chases as memories and then transferring to a sub master, but then I’m left with a cue in the stack that I don’t want. But if I clear it, it clears the sub too. So if I want to run the cue stack without it playing back the chase I need to program a jump. This works ok, but it would be preferable to erase the chase from the cue stack, whilst keeping it on the sub. Is there a way to do this?



  4. I teach on a backstage theatre production diploma and have to train up 16 - 19yr olds on followspots as a matter of course, regardless of whether it’s required in our shows. I find that with a few exercises and just a few hours of practising they can often achieve a passable result. It’s important to remember that in a educational setting, you have to give students the opportunity to fail. If you prevent them from trying out new things because you’re too wrapped up in your (or the director’s) own production values, pretty soon there’ll be no one left in the industry.


    As for the safety aspect, again I train young people to work at height on ladders, access towers and indeed, operating a followspot from an open gallery with a 4m drop below them. As long as any structure you provide is constructed by a certified professional, adequate training and supervision is given to the students and the whole operation is risk assessed, I can’t see that any reasonable OSH officer would have cause to block it.


    In terms of the followspot itself, you could always look into hiring an LED one - smaller and lighter to carry up a tower/platform and very little heat kicked out in operation. Of course I’m not familiar with your venue, but even the cheap ones are capable of a comfortable 20m throw distance.

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