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Posts posted by ojc123

  1. We use Q-Build to make a platform with steps and rail around it. At about 1500-2000mm it's not as high as might be preferred so the followspots tend to be a bit flat. However, it keeps all the risk assessments less controversial. You may find that other schools around you have Q-Build and might let you borrow it, or at least have a play. We have a reciprocal arrangements with a local primary for when either of us need just that bit more.


    We also have a reciprocal arrangement with a local am-dram and we use their followspots. Old school and hot, but good at the price. Young people need quite a lot of training to avoid potential burns but also to keep control. Our first practice session felt more like we were looking for Messerschmitt 109s than we were highlighting a bit of the action. You need to let them get that out of their system first.


    There you go FWIW.



    If your 13 year olds cannot be trusted up a scaf tower then they cannot be trusted with a nice hot follow spot.

    Totally agree, I'd trust mine with both. However, you can get a risk assessment for a followspot past the safety elf much easier than anything with height in it. They generally haven't a clue about anything specialised.

  2. Our stage is about the same size as yours. Our auditorium is 15m square with a flat seating area. It's 5m high. We have Hk Audio Linear L5 112 F speakers.


    We've gone with pretty much the last arrangement shown on Whiskers' link and the results are as they say.

  3. Also - if you still want fire breathing, you could consider a high power narrow beam LED lantern behind a very small (radio controlled?) fogger, so the par can beam illuminates the fog as it exists, giving the impression of smoke and flames.

    We copped out on the visible dragon on a similar small stage. However for our recent 'Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew' we had two led PARS on out of sync red/orange chases through some fog and it was very effective for our dragon in a cave. Good luck with the visible dragon!

  4. Question from one of my student technicians. They do ask a lot of questions.


    We have some 5 core DMX cable. Student asks if we can send two universes of DMX down this cable by replacing the 5 pin XLR plugs and sockets with two three pin plugs and sockets using two pairs and a common pin 1.


    I hadn’t thought of this before and my response was that we might get away with it but it probably isn’t the best idea. This is based on limited knowledge and isn't a proper answer.


    I’m not thinking of doing this because we have plenty DMX cables but I’m trying to answer his question as accurately as possible.


    Would it work at all? What would be any potential problems from your experience/knowledge? Why would it not be a good idea?


    Thanks in anticipation. (All opinions will be weighed carefully.)

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