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dmx controlled curtain track.


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Depending on what kind of starcloth you buy, you might find that opening it on a wipe track isn't particularly successful - because of all the gubbins on the back (fibre optics, cable, whatever) they tend not to 'gather' as well as an ordinary black. Can you fly, rather than track?
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I am with Bryson on this. DMX is not the ideal control for tracking objects - bringing up the wrong channel can cause unwanted movement. Not a problem with lights but potentially dangerous with heavyweight curtains/scenery.


If you want to track a star cloth then use a track with a rearfold system which allows the curtain to stay flat as it moves and stack in the offstage position. This will keep the pattern visible while it tracks. You will either need very long tails on your fibre optics or a method of attaching the light source to one of the carriers.

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