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Is the licence stuff true?


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is the licence stuff true (sorry bout the speling)


ok here go's I can use pyros and I wanna do a charaty show which I need them for but a old college of mine says I need a license which I can well beleve but how do you get it

secondly where can I get cheep good pyros from


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is the licence stuff true (sorry bout the speling)


ok here go's I can use pyros and I wanna do a charaty show which I need them for but a old college of mine says I need a license which I can well beleve but how do you get it

secondly where can I get cheep good pyros from



Hello and welcome; BUT PLEASE:-


Use the search button, and use the spell checker. You'll find things much faster, and people won't shout at you. :)


Both of your questions have been done to death already!

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