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Real World Training Courses

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We're planning to run some 'real world' training courses in response to feedback from customers. These are non-academic (i.e. no recognised qualification) but will instead focus on the theory and practical skills that you will use in the real world. The courses will last 1 to 2 days and are aimed at people going in to a role for the first time or existing techs who would like to brush up their skills. Topics covered initially would be sound and lighting related but will hopefully move on to more advanced stuff such as Health & Safety, Risk Assessment and Rigging.


I would be interested to hear people's thoughts on this and what sort of subject matter they would like to see covered. Also, has anyone been on a similar course run by another company? Did it prove a worthwhile learning experience?


And if anyone wants more info you can drop a mail to training@livesystems.co.uk






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About time someone did train for the "Real World" - an excellent idea.


Unfortunately I think that the H & S aspects that you were going to leave for the "Advanced" course, need to be the first thing you teach.


Admittedly, this is a boring, and non-productive subject, but if one of your students goes out and does anything dangerous/silly/embarassing/all three, (s)he will turn round and say "Well Steve never told me that", and you will probably cop far more flack than you deserve.


This will admittedly mean less time to teach "Usefull" stuff, so you may have to look at extending the course.


- Just my two-penneth


Jim W.

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Thanks, Jim. You've got a point there.


The intention was to mention the obvious H&S points as we went along but I think maybe a brief introduction at the beginning of each course to reinforce its importance may be worthwhile now. This can carry the recommendation of a full H&S course if they do not feel they are competent in that area.



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