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mac 250 problem, anyone help???


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Hey peeps,


Lookin for a little help here, one of our macs came back yesterday from a busy weekend of hire and its got a reported problem, ive had it next to me on test mode and every so often the lamp switches off, it fizzes for a while trying to strike then the head spasticates a little then its ok, this apparently happened constantly over the weekend, the lamps fine, I tried another osram straight out of the box and the same fault, what should I look for or do?


Thanks in advance



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A few other things to check are


1) the lamp base and the wiring to the lamp base


2) check the connections at the ignitor and even the ignitor


3) could be a relay fault on the PCB


4) Check the connections on the ballast as they can some times work loose (not on the voltage select but on the white ballast)



Hope these may help





Ps forgot to mention the obvious check the fan is working properly

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